to the Emergency Nurses Association of Ontario website.
Invitation to Participate – Research Study
Secondary Traumatic Stress & Emergency Department Registered Nurses in Ontario
Covid-19 Education and Healthcare Provider Wellbeing Resources
Upcoming Conferences
Please contact the website lead to discuss adding yours!
Interested in being a Board of Directors member? Some FAQ here.
Questions / Discussions for Potential ENAO BOD Members
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General Resources
ENAO Core Competencies
For use in EDs as a reference tool to guide initial education, continuing competence assessments, hiring practices and other related activities. Thanks to Deb Mitchell for her work and leadership on this project.
The Pregnancy & Infant Loss Network
(PAIL) has patient information booklets which may be useful for your facility. They may be ordered here:
The Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation
(ONF) has released Standards for Post-Concussion Care: from diagnosis to the interdisciplinary concussion clinic. The ONF Standards for Post-Concussion Care focus on guiding delivery of the right care, provided at the right time by the right provider anywhere in Ontario and ENAO has been a stakeholder in development. Please go to:
http://ConcussionsOntario.org to see the 15 Standards. Guidelines for concussion care are also available.